Shashi Bhushan Arya
20 years of expertise in teaching and research related to Corrosion and Metallic passivation, Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs), Antimicrobial Nano-composite coatings, Aging and degradation Li-ion Battery, Corrosion of metallic artifact, Utilization of industry waste. He has been teaching courses in the areas of Corrosion Engineering, Powder Metallurgy, Heat Treatment of Metals and Alloys, Principles of Extractive Metallurgy, and Materials Characterization. He has supervised 55 MTech students and 5 doctoral students with the ongoing guidance of 7 PhD scholars. He has 102 research publications (including International, National, and Conferences), and has received 8 Best Research Paper awards at National and International Conferences. Notably, he's been honoured with an International Travel Grant award from the Electrochemical Society USA and Outstanding Reviewer awards from prestigious journals like Petroleum Science and Engineering and Tribology International. He is a reviewer for 30 highly reputed International Journals, including Corrosion Science, NACE Corrosion, and Scientific Reports, etc. He has delivered 50 invited lectures at workshops, conferences, and industry events globally, collaborating with renowned institutions such as Indian Railways, IGCAR, HZL, TATA-Bhushan Steel, MCF, NITs, IITs, and Denmark Technical University. His influence extends to editorial roles in key organizations like the Indian Thermal Spray Society and the International Journal of Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials (UK). Devoted to the cause "Building TRUST against RUST," he embodies a commitment to advancing the field of Corrosion Science and Engineering.
Professional Experience:
• Associate Professor (2023-): Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engg., (MME), NIT K
• Assistant Professor Grade-I (2018-2023), MME, NITK
• Assistant Professor (Grade II, 6000-7000) 2010-2018: MME, NITK
• Lecturer (2008-2010): MME, NITK
• CSIR-Senior Research Fellow (2003-2008), worked at Dept. Corrosion Science and
Engg. IIT, Bombay (2003-2008).
• One-year graduate apprentice at Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) 2001-2002

Contact Details
Academic Background
Academic Backround:
• Ph.D (Corrosion Science and Engineering) (IIT Bombay, Mumbai, 2013)
• M.Tech (Metallurgical and Materials Engg.) (MNIT Jaipur, 2002)
• B.Tech (Metallurgical and Materials Engg.) (MNIT Jaipur, 1999)
Areas of Interest
Areas of Interest:
Thermal barrier coating: Oxidation, Hot corrosion, High Temperature Erosion, Pipeline Corrosion in Oilfield Environment, Li-ion Battery Degradations, Anti-corrosion and Antimicrobial Nano-composite coatings, Metallic Biomaterials, Corrosion of Metallic Artifact, Utilization of Industry Waste
Significant Projects
Significant Projects:
- Dept. of Science and Technology (DST) of Rs 20 Lakhs to work on “Corrosion and impedance study of Ti alloy for biomedical applications”. (Ongoing)
- Science and Heritage research initiative (SHRI), DST on “In-situ Corrosion behaviour of Metallic artefacts (Iron Pillar located at Kodachadri Hill) in coastal regions” Rs. 30 Lakhs (Ongoing)
Book Chapters:
Supervision of Ph.D
Supervision of Ph.D:
Completed: 5
Ongoing : 6
Text Books:
Significant Publications
Significant Publications:
- Syamkumar K, Narendra B, Sumanth G, SB Arya (2023) “Hot corrosion behaviour of mullite thermal barrier coatings for marine diesel engines” Ceramics International (Accepted)
- Fredy James J, SB Arya (2023) “Enhancement of corrosion resistance of Al2O3 + Sm2SrAl2O7 composite thermal barrier coatings by laser treatment” Trans. the Indian Institute of Metals (Springer)
- Fredy James J, SB Arya, S Yadav, CP Paul (2023) “Development of laser modified alumina + samarium strontium aluminate composite thermal barrier coatings mechanical and tribological study” Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (JMEP) (accepted)
- Preethi, SB Arya, Vidya Shetty K (2023) “Biocorrosion Behavior of Epoxy-Based Multilayer Nanocomposite Coatings” Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion (Springer), Vol. 9 (3), p 45.
- Fredy James SB Arya and Satish Kumar D (2023) “Isothermal oxidation characteristics of laser‐treated Al2O3 + Sm2SrAl2O7 composite thermal barrier coatings” Materials and Corrosion (Wiley) Vol. 74(8), p 1169.
- T.S. Ajmal, SB Arya, P. Maurya, S.M. Shariff (2022) “Effect of hydrodynamics and laser surface melting on erosion-corrosion of X70 steel pipe elbow in oilfield slurry, Int. Journal of Pressure Vessels, and Piping, Vol.199, p 104687.
- Fredy James SB Arya and S Tailor (2022) “Hot corrosion behaviour of Al2O3 + Sm2SrAl2O7 composite thermal barrier coatings” Materials and Corrosion, Vol. 73(12), p 2004.
- S Mubarak, D Dhamodharan, HS Byun, DK Pattanayak, SB Arya (2022) “Efficient photo electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 to formic acid using Ag-TiO2 nanoparticles formed on the surface of nano porous structured Ti foil” Journal of Industrial and Engg. Chemistry Vol. 113, p124.
- Mohanraj G. T., M. R. Rahman, SB Arya, Ranju B, Krishnendu P., S Meena (2022) “Characterization Study and Recovery of Copper from Low Grade Copper Ore through Hydrometallurgical Route” Journal of Advanced Powder Technology, Vol. 33(1), p 103382
- S Mubarak, D Dhamodharan, HS Byun, DK Pattanayak, SB Arya (2022) “Effective photo electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 to formic acid using controllably annealed TiO2 nanoparticles derived from porous structured Ti foil” Journal of CO2 Utilization, vol. 63, 102152
- Shivaram M. J, SB Arya, Jagannath N. and B B. Panigrahi (2021) “Tribo-corrosion behaviour of biomedical porous Ti-20Nb-5Ag alloy in simulated body fluid” Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion (Springer), Vol. 7 (2), 1-9
- Syam N, Addepalli, Harappa J, Ramesh MR, SB Arya (2021). “Effect of Mechanical Alloying on the Microstructure of CoCrNiTiMox High Entropy Alloy" J. of Thermal Spray Tech. Vol. 31(4), pp. 1045–1055
- Ramesh S, Gajanan A, Nagaraj B., Ganesh A., H.S. Nayaka, SB Arya (2021) “Surface modification of multi-directional forged biodegradable Mg-Zn alloy by ball burnishing process: Modelling and analysis using deep neural network”, Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 68, 423-434
- K. Trivedi, R. Rane, A. Joseph, and SB. Arya (2021) “Deposition of TiN and TiAlN thin films on stainless steel tube by cylindrical magnetron sputtering method” Materials Performance and Characterization 10 (1), 473-488
- Anuj K SB Arya, B Majumdar, Jatin B, AK Srivastava (2021) “Corrosion studies of Hf64Cu18Ni18 metallic glass in acidic and alkaline media” Trans. Ind. Inst. Met. (Springer) Vol. 74 (4), 949-956
- Shivaram M. J, SB Arya, Jagannath N. and B B. Panigrahi (2021) “Development and characterization of biomedical porous Ti-20Nb-5Ag alloy: Microstructure, mechanical properties, Surface bioactivity and cell viability studies” Metals and Materials Int. (Springer): (
- T.S. Ajmal, SB Arya, L.R. Thippeswamy, M.A. Quraishi, J. Haque (2020) “Effect of Oleic Acid Hydrazide Inhibitor on Flow Accelerated Corrosion of X70 Pipeline Steel” Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 55 (6), 487-496
- Shivaram M. J, SB Arya, Jagannath Nayak and B B. Panigrahi (2020) “Electrochemical corrosion and Impedance studies of porous Ti- xNb-Ag alloy in physiological solution” Trans. Ind. Inst. Met. 73(4):921–928, (Springer)
- K. Prajwal, G. L. Priyanka, Mohammed Adnan Hasan, A Carmel Mary Esther, N. Sridhara, A Rajendra, SB Arya & Arjun Dey (2020) “Development of reflective co-sputtered nanostructured metallic films” Surface Engineering 37 (3), 400-405 7
- G, Sharan, Das. BB, SB. Arya, Shivaprasad K.N (2020) “Influence of Sample Preparation Techniques on Microstructure and Nano-Mechanical Properties of SteelConcrete Interface”., J. Construction and Building Materials Vol. 256, p 119242
- Andana MS, Udaya Bhat, Majunatha, CM and SB Arya (2020) “Electrochemical and Exfoliation Corrosion Behaviour of Reversion Treated High Strength Aluminium Alloy” Trans. Ind. Inst. Met., Vol. 73(6):1489–1495, (Springer)
- T. S. Ajmal, SB Arya, K. R Udupa (2019) “Effect of hydrodynamics on the flow accelerated corrosion (FAC) and electrochemical impedance behaviour of line pipe steel for petroleum industry” Int. J. of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Vol. 174, p 42
- S. Ramesh, H. S Nayaka, Sandeep S, K.R. Gopi, M.J. Shivaram, and SB Arya (2019) “Influence of Multiaxial Cryoforging on Microstructural, Mechanical, and Corrosion Properties of Copper-Titanium Alloy” J. of Materials Engg. & Performance, Vol. 28 (12), 7629-7641
- G, Sharan; Das, BB, SB. Arya (2019) “Microstructural Study of Steel-Concrete Interface and its Influence on Bond Strength of Reinforced Concrete” Journal of Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, ASM international, Vol 8, pp 171-189 (doi:10.1520/ACEM20180133)
- S, Ramesh; S, Aditya; A, Gajanan; M, Bhaskar; SB Arya (2019), Optimization of Ball-Burnishing Process Parameters on Surface Roughness, Micro Hardness of MgZn-Ca Alloy and Investigation of Corrosion Behaviour" Mat. Research Express 6 (10), 1065
- K. Prajwal, Arjun D, Manju S., Anuj N, A. Carmel M E, N. Sridhara, B. Yougandar, Pradeep K, SB Arya (2019) "Development of Multi-functional Thin Film based X-ray Intensity Filters for Space based Payloads” JMEP. 28 (9), 5820.
- Gajanan Anne, M R Ramesh, H Shivananda Nayaka, SB Arya (2019) "Effect of combined multiaxial forging and rolling process on microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion behaviour of a Cu-Ti alloys” Mater. Res. Express, 6, 056559,
- T. Baskaran, SB Arya (2018) “Hot corrosion resistance of air plasma sprayed ceramic Sm2SrAl2O7 (SSA) thermal barrier coatings in simulated gas turbine environments” Ceramics International,
- 29. SB Arya, A. Bhattacharyaji and Manish Roy (2018) “Electrochemical corrosion behaviour of Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al in different corrosive media" J. of Materials and Corrosion
- T. Baskaran, SB Arya (2018) “Influence of ceramic top coat and thermally grown oxide microstructures of air plasma sprayed Sm2SrAl2O7 thermal barrier coatings on the electrochemical impedance behaviour” Surface & Coatings Technology, Vol. 344601.
- Vishal Vats, Baskaran T, SB Arya (2018) "Tribo-Corrosion Study of Nickel Free, High Nitrogen and High Manganese Austenitic Stainless Steel" Tribology Int., Vol. 119, p 659
- Jyoti S., Baskaran T, Om Prakash, SB Arya, U. Ramamurthy (2018) "On the corrosion resistance of some selective laser melted alloys” Journal of Materialia (Published on behalf of Acta Materialia, Inc, Scopus indexed)
- K, Rakesh; B, Srikanth; Ramesh, M R; SB Arya, (2018) Laser surface modification of Mg-Zn-Gd alloy: microstructural, wettability and in vitro degradation aspects." Mater. Res. Express, Vol. 5 (2018) p126
- K, Rakesh; B, Srikanth; Ramesh, M R; SB Arya, Jana, Anuradha; Das, Mitun; B. Vamsi; A, Srinivasan; T, Ram prabhu (2018) “Effect of Zinc and Rare Earth Element Addition on Mechanical, Corrosion and Biological Properties of Magnesium” Journal of Materials Research (DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2018.31)
- H Kaur, J Sharma, D Jindal, RK Arya, S K Ahuja, SB Arya (2018) ‘Crosslinked polymer doped binary coatings for corrosion protection” Prog. in Organic Coatings, Vol.,125, pp 32-39
- Aman Gupta, Amit Kumar, T. Baskaran, SB Arya and R.K Khatirkar (2018) “Effect of heat input on microstructure and corrosion behaviour of duplex stainless steel shielded metal arc weld” Trans. of Indian Inst. Met., pp 1-22
- Baskaran T and SB Arya (2017) “Role of Thermally Grown Oxide and Oxidation Resistance of Samarium Strontium Aluminate based Air Plasma Sprayed Ceramic Thermal Barrier Coatings” Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol 326, pp 299-309
- Gajanan Anne, M R Ramesh, H Shivananda Nayaka, SB Arya, Sandeep Sahu (2017), Development and properties evaluation of Mg-6%Zn/Al multi-layered composites processed by accumulative roll bonding, J. of Materials Research. (DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2017.176)
- Gajanan Anne, M R Ramesh, H Shivananda Nayaka, SB. Arya (2017) “Investigation of mechanical and corrosion behavior of Mg-Zn/Ce/Al hybrid composite developed by accumulative roll bonding”. J. Alloys and Compound., (2017) 724, 146-154.
- Gajanan Anne, M R Ramesh, H Shivananda Nayaka, SB Arya, (2017) "Microstructure evolution, mechanical and corrosion behaviour of accumulative roll bonded Mg-2%Zn/Al-7075 multi-layered composite” Journal of Materials Engg. and Performance, 26 (4), pp 1726–1734.
- Atul M. Gatey, Santosh S. Hosmani, Carlos A. Figueroa, SB Arya, Rajkumar P. Singh (2016) Role of surface mechanical attrition treatment and chemical etching on plasma nitriding behavior of AISI 304L steel, Surf. and Coat. Tech. Vol. 304, pp 413.
- Atul M. Gatey, Santosh S. Hosmani, SB Arya, Carlos A. Figueroa, Rajkumar P. Singh (2016) Plasma-Nitriding of AISI 2205 steel: Effects of Surface-MechanicalAttrition-Treatment and Chemical-Etching” J. Surface Engg., Vol. 32 (1) pp 61-68.
- Moab Rajan Philip, Tharangattu N. Narayanan, M. Praveen Kumar, SB Arya and Deepak K (2014). “Self-protected nickel–graphene hybrid low density 3D scaffolds” J. of Mat. Chemistry A, 2, 9488.
- D.P. Mondal, Mahesh Patel, S. Das, A.K. Jha, Hemant Jain,G. Gupta, SB Arya (2014) “ Titanium foam with coarser cell size and wide range of porosity using different types of evaporative space holders through powder metallurgy route” Materials and Design, Vol 63, pp 89-99.
- M. Soban Babu, A. Sivanantham, B. Barath Chakravarthy, R., SB Arya, G. Sreedhar (2016) “Enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting behaviour of tuned band gap CdSe QDs sensitized LaB6J” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Vol. 16 pp 1–6.
- Vishnu R., Jiten Das, SB Arya and Manish Roy (2015) “Electrochemical Corrosion Behavior of ZrN Film in Various Corrosive Fluid” Int. Journal of Surface Engineering and Interdisciplinary Materials Science (IJSEIMS), 3(1) pp 122-130
- T. Baskaran, G., Sreedhar, SB Arya (2015) “Hot corrosion stability of double perovskite and pyrochlore in suphate solution of Vanadates or chlorides at 900 °C” Mat. Sci. Forum, Vol.830-831, pp 695-69
- SB Arya, V.S. Raja, and A. N. Tiwari (2013) “A Comparative Study of Semiconducting Behavior of Passive film of High Nitrogen and Ni and Mn free Stainless Steels in 3.5 wt. % NaCl” Advanced Mat. Research, Vol 794, pp 626-6
- SB Arya and Ankit Kanaujia (2015) “EIS Study and Role of Chloride Ions Concentration & Temperature on Passivity of AZ91D Mg Alloy” Materials Sci. Forum, Vol 830-831, pp 647-650
- Sharan Kumar Goudar, P P Kiran Ram, A Gokul, B B Das, S. B. Arya, “Bond strength and corrosion resistance of reinforced concrete exposed to simulated acidic and alkaline marine environment”, UKIERI Concrete Congress, NIT Jalandhar, Punjab, 05-08 March 2019(accepted)
- Sharan Kumar Goudar, Das B B, Arya S B, “The significance of high volume GGBS on bond strength and microstructure properties of steel-concrete interface”, National Conference on Advances in Sustainable Construction Materials (ASCM) 2019, NIT Warangal, 15-16 March 2019 (accepted)
- Vinay BU, AO Surendranthan, Manoj Chopkar, , SB Arya Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy behavior of Co-Cr-Cu-Fe-Mo high entropy alloy" International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM-2019) at Chennai (accepted)
- Nidhi Singh, Jaganntah Nayak, Jatin Bhatt and S.B Arya “Electrochemical corrosion behavior of bulk metallic glass (Zr42Cu50Ag8) in artificial physiological solutions” International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM-2019) at Chennai (accepted)
- Preethi, SB Arya , V Shetty “Nano Technology - A New Perspective in the Development of Bio-corrosion resistant Paint for Ship Hull” CORCON, Jaipur 2018
- Sharan Kumar Goudar, Das B B, Arya S B, “Corrosion behavior of OPC, PPC and PSC based concretes in harsh marine environment through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.” 5th International Corrosion Prevention Symposium for Research Scholars (CORSYM 2018), IIT Madras, Chennai, India, 23-24 March 2018, pp. 129-130
- T. Baskaran and SB Arya “ Fabrication of Samarium Stronsium Aluminate (Sm2SrAl2O7) ceramic and deposition of thermal barriercoating by air plasma process” International Conference On Research in Mechanical Engineering Sciences(RiMES 2017), 21-23 Dec, 2017, Manipal University, Manipal,Karnataka,
- T. Baskaran SB Arya“Evaluation of microstructural changes and thermally grown oxide growth of oxidized Sm2SrAl2O7 ceramic thermal barrier coatings for gas turbine applications”81st Annual session of Indian Ceramic Society and International conference on “Expanding Horizons of Technological Applications of Ceramics and Glasses" EH-TACAG'17, Pune 2017.
- Shivaram M. J., SB Arya, J Nayak“Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of Porous Ti-20Nb-5Ag alloy for Biomedical Application” NMD-ATM-2017, Goa
- T. Baskaran SB Arya“oxidation behavior of Sm2SrAl2O7 ceramic thermal barrier coatings for gas turbine applications”NMD-ATM-2017, Goa
- Shivaram M. J., SB Arya, J Nayak, Bharat B Panigrahi “Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and In-vitro Corrosion Behaviour of Porous Ti-20Nb-5Ag Alloy in Simulated Body Fluids, The 6th Asian Biomaterials, Trivandrum, Kerala, 2017
- Shivaram M. J., SB Arya, J Nayak, Bharat B Panigrahi“Influence of Ball Milling Time on Mechanical Properties of Newly Developed Porous Ti-20Nb-5Ag Alloy” 19th International Conference on Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Technology, Paris, France, 2017
- Gajanan Anne, M R Ramesh H Shivananda Nayaka, SB Arya “Microstructure, mechanical and corrosion properties of accumulative roll bonded Mg-2%Zn/anodized Al-7075 composite”, Int. Conf. on Emerging Trends in Materials and Manufacturing Engg., organized by, NIT Thiruchinapalli, Tamil Nadu, 2017.
- T. S. Ajmal, T. Baskaran, K. R. Udupa, S. B. Arya “Flow Accelerated Corrosion at Type 304 SS Pipeline Elbow in Oil Field Water”National Tribology Conference 2016“NTC2016”, IIT Varanasi.
- Vishal V, Baskaran T and S.B. Arya “Tribo-corrosion Study of Nickel Free, High Nitrogen High Manganese Austenitic SS in Ringer Solution”The Fifth Int. Conf.– Tribocorrosion V on “Wear and Corrosion: Synergistic Effects and Road Mapping Solutions for Mitigation in Industrial and Service Environment” Dec 2016, Hyderabad, India
- Rakesh K Rajan , S Bontha, Ramesh, M R, Srinivasan A, Vamsi K Balla and S. B Arya “Investigation of bio-corrosion properties of as cast Mg-Zn-Gd alloy in Hank's solution” 4th international conference on Advances in Materials & Materials Processing, (iCAMMP-IV 2016), IIT Kharagpur, India.
- Samrat, Vishal V, Baskaran T and S.B. Arya “Corrosion and EIS behaviour of surface mechanical attrition treated High nitrogen nickel free stainless steel”, NMD-ATM 2016, Kanpur, India
- Nidhi Singh, Jaganntah Nayak, Jatin Bhatt and S.B Arya “Electrochemical impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) study of Zr42Cu50Ag8 bulk metallic glass in Artificial Physiological Solutions” The 17th Asian Pacific Corrosion Control Conference, January 27-30, 2016, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India
- Fazil and S.B. Arya “Electrochemical Corrosion and Tribocorrosion study of 316L SS in artificial physiological solutions” The 17th Asian Pacific Corrosion Control Conference, January 27-30, 2016, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India
- Karegauda, Jaganntah Nayak and S.B. Arya “Electrochemical Corrosion and Tribocorrosion study of Ti alloys in artificial physiological solutions” The 17th Asian Pacific Corrosion Control Conference, January 27-30, 2016, Bombay, Mumbai, India
- Shaheer KV, Jaganntah Nayak, andS.B Arya “ Electrochemical corrosion behavior of high Si containing stainless steels in 3.5 wt. % NaCl Solution” NMT-ATM 2015m Coimbatore
- S.B. Aryaand Ankit Kanaujia, “EIS study and role of chloride ions concentration and temperature on passivity of AZ91D Mg alloy” ICAMPS 2015,Trivandrum
- T. Baskaran, G., S.B. Arya “Hot corrosion stability of double perovskite and pyrochlore in suphate solution of vanadates or chlorides at 900 °C”, ICAMPS 2015,Trivandrum
- G. Sreedhar, T. Baskaran,S.B. Arya, L. John Berchman“Hot corrosion stability of perovskites and pyrochlores in Na2SO4+50 wt.% V2O5 and Na2SO4+10 wt.% NaCl at 900 ºC( accepted in The Asian Thermal Spray Conference (ATSC 2014), Hyderabad, India
- Baskaran, T., Sreedhar, G., and S.B. Arya, “Hot corrosion of advanced ceramic oxides in gas turbine simulated environments at 900 ºC”, CORCON 2014, Mumbai,
- S.B. Arya,V.S. Raja and A.N. Tiwari, “Electrochemical Impedance Study of High Nitrogen, Nickel and Manganese free Austenitic Stainless Steel in Artificial Physiological Solutions” Proc. Int., CORCON -13, New Delhi, 2013
- S.B. Arya,V.S. Raja and A.N. Tiwari “EIS study and Role of Surface Finish on the Electrochemical Corrosion Behavior of High Nitrogen, High Mn and Ni free Austenitic Stainless Steels in 3.5 wt. % NaCl Solution” NMD-ATM 2013, Varanasi
- S.B. Arya, V.S. Raja and A.N. Tiwari, “EIS study on the influence of pH on the corrosion of high nitrogen containing stainless steels in chloride media” HNS-12, (2012), in: Kamachi Mudali et al. (Eds.)
- S.B. Arya,V.S. Raja and A.N. Tiwari, “Effect of Surface Roughness on the Passivity of Nickel and Manganese free High Nitrogen Stainless Steel” Proc. Inter, CORCON -11 (2011), Mumbai.
- S.B. Arya,V.S. Raja and A.N. Tiwari, “Electrochemical impedance studies of high N, high Mn and Ni free stainless steel in various physiological solutions” Proc. of the Conf. of Indian Inst. Metal (2010), NMD-ATM 2010, Bangalore
- S.B. Arya, V.S. Raja and A.N. Tiwari, Katada,Y, “Electrochemical Corrosion Behavior of High Nitrogen, Ni and Mn Free Stainless Steels in Ringer physiological Solutions” Proceedings of the Conf of Indian Institute Metal (IIM-2009), Kolkota
- S.B. Arya, V.S. Raja and A.N. Tiwari “Electrochemical Impedance study on the surface roughness effect of high nitrogen stainless steels in 3.5 wt % NaCl and with 0.5N HCl solution”, on 7th-8th February 2008, COMME, NMRL, Ambernath, India
- S.B Arya,V.S. Raja and A.N. Tiwari, “Corrosion Of High Nitrogen High Manganese, Molybdenum Containing Nickel Free Stainless Steel in 3.5 wt% NaCl and at Various pH of Aqueous Solution”, 209th Meeting (2007),‘The Electrochemical Society’, Denver, USA
- S.B. Arya, V.S. Raja and A.N. Tiwari “To study the effect of surface roughness on electrochemical corrosion behaviour of high nitrogen stainless steels 3.5 wt % NaCl and with various pH solution” Proceedings of the Conference of Indian Institute Metal(IIM-2007), organized by IIM at Mumbai, India, November, 12th -16th, 2007
- S.B. Arya“Corrosion behaviours of high nitrogen high manganese nickel free stainless steel in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution”Proceedings of the 3rd In House Symposium on Materials Research (MR 06) on 4th March 2006 at IIT-Bombay, India
- S.B. Aryaand V.S. Raja, “Corrosion of high nitrogen high manganese, molybdenum containing stainless steel in 3.5%NaCl and HCl solutions”, MICMEP 2006 Baroda, India.
- S.B. Arya, P. Sarvanan, V.S. Raja and A.N. Tiwari, “Corrosion of high nitrogen high manganese, molybdenum containing stainless steel in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution”, Proceedings of the Conference of Indian Institute Metal(IIM-2005), 2005, Chennai, India
Funded Projects (Completed):
- Direct-Senior Research Fellowship(SRF) from (CSIR) New Delhi and GATE,MHRD
- Best poster award: International Symposium on ‘Advanced Stainless Steels’ 2007, IIT Chennai,
- International travel grant ($500) award: 209th Meeting-07,Electrochemical Society’, USA
- Best poster award:NMD-ATM 2009, Indian Institute Metal (IIM) Kolkata
- Best poster award: CORCON (NACE) 2013, New Delhi
- Best oral presentation award: NMD-ATM 2013, Varanasi
- Best paper awardat Int. Conf. on Emerging Trends in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, NIT Tiruchirappalli-2017
- Best poster award at International Conference on “Expanding Horizons of Technological Applications of Ceramics and Glasses” (EH-TACAG’17), 14-16 December 2017 at Pune.
- Outstanding reviewerfrom Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering and Tribology International (Elsevier)
- Dept. of Science and Technology (DST) start-up grant award of Rs 20 Lakhs to work on “corrosion and impedance study of Ti alloy for biomedical applications”.
- Science and Heritage research initiative (SHRI), DST on “in-situ Corrosion behaviour of Metallic artefacts (Iron Pillar located at Kodachadri Hill) in coastal regions” Rs. 30 Lakhs 2019-2021.
- A Seed grants Rs. 5 Lakhs from NITK Surathkal.
- Denmark Technical University (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering), Lyngby, Denmark.
- IIT Delhi (Dept. of Applied Mechanics).
- IIT Hyderabad (Dept. of Materials and Metallurgical Engg.).
- Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) BHU (Dept. of Metallurgical Engg.).
- VNIT Nagpur (Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engg.).
- VIT University, Vellore (Mechanical Engineering).
- National conference on “Industrial coatings” at IMMT Bhubaneswar (2019)
- International conference on Design, Materials & Manufacture (IcDeM 2018), NITK Surathkal.
- International Workshop on nanostructured marine coatings (WNMC-2016) organised by Manipal university, Jaipur
- Bhushan Steel Ltd, Angul, Orissa
- VEDANTA [Hindustan Zinc Ltd (Debari and Chanderia plants, Rajasthan)]
- Mangalore Chemical fertilizer (MCF) Mangalore, (organized by The Institution of Engineers (IE-India)-Mangalore chapter.
- Refresher Course on Repairs and Maintenance of Buildings, Civil Engg., NITK Surathkal
- Short term course, MME, NITK Surathkal